Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Charlotte has entered the Green Room

Charlotte is the Active Communities Officer for TRDC and she also works in the Box Office. Last year she helped out at the launch of Cinderella and became a Fairy Godmother for the day!

Wmt: How many pantos have you been a part of?
Charlotte: Cinderella last year and Aladdin this year
What's been the best moment of rehearsals so far or the build up to opening night?
Charlotte: Launching Cinderella last year - I got to dress up as the Fairy Godmother, travel in a horse and carriage and spend the day at Moor Park Mansion, whilst waving my magic wand!
Wmt: Have you had anything testing, tricky or particularly difficult to do this week or during the run?
Charlotte: Remembering everything I need to do in the Box Office
Wmt: If you had to identify with a character from Aladdin, who would it be and why?
Charlotte: Princess Jasmine, because I am quite simply a wannabe Princess! ;-) oh and it would be wicked to fly on a magic carpet!
Wmt: What's you favourite panto and why?
Charlotte: I remember going to see Aladdin when I was younger and got invited up onto the stage to sing the song at the end - so I guess it would have to be that Aladdin!
Wmt: How will you be feeling at the opening performance of Aladdin and how will you feel when the curtain comes down on the final performance?
Charlotte: Excited, because it will feel like Christmas is just around the corner and at the end, I think I will just be plain exhausted!!!
Thank you for coming into the Green Room Charlotte. Merry Christmas to you!

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