Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The crew stepped out of the Green Room and onto the stage last night...

...and what a performance!
For those of you not familar with theatre or more to the point, crewing, crew people are a rare and beautiful species.
They get up late and then go to bed late. So a bit like students only older. I'd have opted for maturer but that would be wrong.
They are hardly ever seen. In fact you would probably only see them by accident if a scene change went wrong. Although there is an urban myth that sometimes they can be seen in the local Chinese restaurant, which reminds me, to be real proper crew you have to live off a bad diet and fizzy pop.
They live a life of wearing black. All the colour in their lives comes, spectacular costumes, stunning scenery, dazzling lights, Chinese take aways...
Occasionally their socks can let them down in a black out.
They work hard, play hard and their humour is normally quite hard too, certainly not humour you would expect at a family pantomime.
So last night was all about THE CREW. Our ever so talented, ever so not shy, ever so clever crew and we're proper proud right now!
Historically, at the end of panto, the crew present their alternative version of the show. This is a tradition all over the country and one Watersmeet has upheld for years.
Last night's audience of cast and staff were in for a real treat. Sadly, this observer cannot share too much of the alternative Aladdin with you, but it was fast, in fact it was racy, risky and ridiculously clever.
Laugh? Not 'arf!
It's amazing how these beautiful people who hide away in the wings, closet themselves in the Green Room and only come out for air when they need it to be fresh, can be so different when centre stage!
Written and directed by the very clever, very inspiring, very talented Libby, the show involved quick changes Widow Twankey would have been envious of, lighting design our director could only have dreamed off and fight scene music that spoke volumes.
Aladdin was played by Zac and Rob. Confused? That was the point of the story. Confusion reins in the world of Aladdin.
Louisa and Libby took turns at being Princess Jasmine and the Genie of the Keys with performances that can only be described as honest, heartfelt and hilarious.
The boys swapped roles for a while and became IveBeenToRada, previously known as Abanazar, have-a-banana, have-a-chill-pill, interspersed with proper royal performances of Empiric size, and an award winning characterisation of Widow Twankey which should have seen the lads honoured in the New Years Honours list. Come on, a Dame hood surely?
Well done crew. You conquered. You dazzled and delighted all.
Five out of five.

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