Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 7 of rehearsals and Maurice has entered the Green Room

Yesterday was a very productive day. I spent most of my time with Dave Mead, the Technical Manager, his crew and Carolyn, our Company Manager. We had the peace of an empty auditorium to run through all the lighting. We started at 10am and by 8pm last night, we had plotted 120 lighting cues.
Lighting the scene for the flying carpet stil remains to be done but we're all confident this will look as stunning and spectacular as all the other scenes.
Whilst I was lighting up the auditorium, Louise was busy with our light-on-their-feet dancers from the Maria Anderson School of Dance and Drama, and all the cast. Once Louise was finished with the cast, they moved into another room with the Musical Director, Simon Townley and worked on our pantomime version of The Twelve Days of Christmas.

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